Matching Gifts

Matching Gifts

Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage giving among their employees? Some companies also match gifts for spouses, retirees, and part-time employees.

Lighthouse’s employer matching gift program provides an easy way to increase the impact of your donation through corporate matching gifts. When you make a donation, your company can double or even triple the value of your generous gift in a matter of minutes.

Three Easy Steps to Double Your Impact


Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Complete your request for a matching gift.

Your company sends the matching gift donation to Lighthouse upon receiving our verification.

Thank you for checking to see if you can double the impact of your gift today!


You may need the following information to complete your matching gift request:

EIN: 23-7046229

Lighthouse Youth & Family Services
Development Department/Matching Gifts
401 E. McMillan
Cincinnati, OH  45206

For more information, please contact Jessica Wabler at or 513-487-7101.