Foster Parent Responsibilities
There are probably as many reasons for becoming a foster parent as there are foster parents. But all of those individual stories boil down to one central theme—making a difference in the life of a child.
As a foster parent, you provide for the physical, emotional, and social needs of the child until his or her biological family can be reunited, or we can find a permanent home through adoption.
The Responsibilities
Being a foster parent is rewarding, and it’s a big responsibility. Here are some of the responsibilities that foster parents embrace.
To the child:
- Provide a safe, nurturing home and provide for their basic needs.
- Ensure school attendance, monitor progress, and help with their special needs.
- Help the child through the grieving and adjustment process that comes with being removed from their home.
- Give them consistent, realistic support and guidance.
To Lighthouse:
- Keep us informed of problems and progress, including changes in the home.
- Be available for meetings with Lighthouse staff.
- Attend training to gain certification as well as continuing education.
- Participate in case reviews and make court appearances if that becomes needed.
- Give 30 days notice in requesting removal of a child.
- Comply with all state regulations and agency policies outlined in our manual.
- Transport child to all required appointments and visits.
To the primary parent:
- Take the foster child to visits with the foster child’s primary parents.
- Model appropriate parenting behavior with the parent.
- Provide information about the child’s growth and development.
To your own family:
- Discuss the decision to foster openly and allow participation in the process.
- Prepare all members for the foster child’s arrival and departure, including discussion of special needs.
Financial Support
You will receive reimbursement for many of the expenses associated with caring for your foster child.
- School fees reimbursement
- Christmas money and gifts
- Tax-free per diem paid on the 10th of each month
- Sibling bonus
- Teen placement bonus
- Eligible to apply for a Hamilton County Job & Family Services Child Care stipend if Hamilton County youth under 12 years old are placed with you.