Residential Treatment Services
Lighthouse provides housing and emotional support and therapeutic programming to youth ages 11-18 with serious emotional and behavioral problems combined with other needs. The goal is to empower them to make positive changes for their futures in a place where they can feel at home.
Lighthouse staff utilize Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) in its residential treatment locations. TBRI is based on looking at the whole child. It was developed to address the effects of early adversity, toxic stress, and/or n consistent, long-term experiences of emotional, psychological, or physical abuse, neglect, or instability within significant relationships. TBRI is based on three sets of practice principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting.
Lighthouse has three residential treatment locations, New Beginnings and the Youth Development Center in Cincinnati, and Lighthouse Youth Center at Paint Creek in Bainbridge, Ohio.
Lighthouse Youth & Family Services is a safe and welcoming place. All children, youth, and families are treated with respect and dignity.