Hamilton County Community Juvenile Justice Services
Lighthouse provides all Hamilton County Community Juvenile Justice services within the community.
- Alternative Placement Treatment: intensive programming and services for youth who are being considered for out of home placement in a juvenile justice residential facility.
- Functional Family Therapy (FFT): in-home family intervention for the families of youth who experience delinquency, emotional or behavior disorders, or substance abuse. Interventions typically last three to five months.
- Individualized Docket Services (LIDS) and Predisposition Diversion Docket (PDD): a system of care which is child/youth-centered, family-focused, and home/ community-based. Therapists and case managers provide intensive mental health services on a flexible schedule. The Hamilton County Juvenile Court refers all clients. Parents/guardians interested in utilizing the program must discuss eligibility with their child’s probation officer (Individualized Docket Services) or with the court intake staff (Predisposition Diversion Docket).
- Case management, therapy and substance abuse services
- Educational Support
- Medication Services
- Reentry Services: (Reentry is the process of preparing juveniles for return to their homes and communities.)
- Intensive Aftercare Program: targets mental health, substance abuse, and/or other interpersonal and social deficits that interfere with a youth’s ability to successfully re-integrate to the community
- Therapy services
- Community Engagement Activities
- Workforce Development