About Us

About Us

Lighthouse Youth & Family Services helps young people in need heal and grow.

Lighthouse offers an integrated system of care for ages 0-24 designed to guide and track their progress over time. This includes mental and behavioral health services, youth housing, emergency shelter, community juvenile justice services, residential treatment, and foster care and adoption. A national leader in developing services for youth and families, Lighthouse opened the first group home for girls in Ohio and has operated the first and only sanctuary for youth ages 10-17 in the Cincinnati area since 1974. Lighthouse is also a pioneer in the effort to end youth homelessness and is the lead agency in the KEYS to a Future Without Youth Homelessness initiative in Hamilton County.

Click here for a quick look at the services we provide.

Your Investment, Your Impact

The University of Cincinnati Economics Center Research & Consulting team completed an analysis of the economic and community benefit of Lighthouse Youth & Family Services. The research revealed the truly far-reaching impact of your gift.


Mission and Values


Accreditation and Affiliations


Financial Information

Our Team